"My approach to teaching is to keep it simple and accessible. I hope to empower you to try new things and bring more creativity in your life. " - Amy Plante

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"I like the transparency of the teacher. How she incorporates real life experiences in her teaching. She is authentic and refreshing."

- Diane S.

Student of Plant Magic II: Natural Dyeing in the Kitchen

Yellow and mint green yarn and ribbons
Amy Plante

Hi, I’m Amy Plante.

Hello, I'm Amy. I'm a multi-passionate creative, which is just a fancy way of saying I've never met an art technique or craft I didn't like! A few of my favorite skills are painting, illustration, sewing, and fabric dyeing. I've always loved picking up new skills and teaching others what I've learned. My approach is always to keep it simple and let my students impress themselves with what they can do.